Winter can be hard when the sun shines a very limited amount during the months. I find myself feeling a little more down than usual because of all the gloominess! I’m someone who has grown up in southern California, so moving to Oregon was a tough transition. Luckily, I have a few things I’ve done the past few winters to help with the seasonal blues!
If you can relate to any of the previously mentioned feeling, keep readin’.
This one seems obvious, but boy does it help! Even when it’s cold outside, it’s important to make sure you are getting fresh air. Walk your dog in the morning, go on a hike, run to your favorite restaurant – make time to connect with nature. That allows us to think about everything going on in our lives and truly be thankful for it all. One of the best ways to improve your mood is to feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what nature has given us – winter included! So get outside and get your body moving!
Essential oils are helpful for so many reasons – mood enhancers is just one of them! I love diffusing bergamot and wild orange together. It gives the perfect blend of a refreshing and citrusy aroma. Bergamot is known for relieving stress or anxiety and wild orange is known to purify spaces and uplift your mood. The combination of the two is amazing! In addition to diffusing oils, I also take them internally for immune support. I put a couple drops of OnGuard, from Doterra, in a glass of water in the morning for an added boost.
There are seriously a million ways to use essential oils to improve your daily routine and I highly recommend trying some out! It’s fun to learn new ways to take care of yourself naturally and improve your seasonal blues.

Bringing greenery into your space has some sort of magical effect. Any time I look at my plants and flowers, I just get happy and giddy! All greenery and beautiful colored flowers in my room (like the one above) has special meaning, too! These ones were gifted to me and watching the lilies bloom was the most beautiful thing – I would admire them all the time and they looked more breathtaking every day. Just talking about these beautiful nature babies makes me happy and lifts my mood instantly! So go get some plants and flowers to brighten up your space and life!

This one isn’t only for the winter, it’s an all-around lovely activity to get into. Pick your favorite genre and go to town! Since winter already gets some people in the mood to stay indoors by the fire, reading is perfect. No matter the type of book you enjoy, they allow your creativity juices to flow and/or stimulate your brain. I always get so involved with the characters in books that when something happens, I feel like it happened to me, too…no judgements here. With biographies and informational books, it’s so refreshing to learn about people and certain concepts through a different approach. Education in all aspects of your life is important. Maybe even reading a book on how to beat seasonal depression??
Books do wonders to improve your mood. Reading allows you to indulge in all those urges during the winter time (i.e. snuggled up with hot chocolate by the fire with beautiful music). Enjoy, you book worms!!

When the sun does come out for that little bit during winter, take fullllll advantage! Go outside - even if it’s for a split second! Vitamin D is essential for the body, so squeeze out every last bit of sunshine while you can. I always leave my blinds open so when the sun does shine through, I'm there basking in its full glory. Sounds silly, but man that makes me so happy. When my room is lit from the sun, all my roommates hear is, “Oh my gosh you guys the sun. This just makes me so happy. Are you guys seeing this?? The sun is out!! Yay!!” Be obnoxious, be happy, and be thankful for the sun when it comes through on those gloomy days!
I love doing all of these activities throughout the entirety of the year, but I make it even more of a priority when I feel those seasonal blues comin’ in hot. Let me know if any of you try these out or have any other ideas for some ways to improve mood during the gloomy winter months!
Your truly,